Show Your Support

Come and get in the boat with us. We solicit your prayers and support in our walk with our friends in Bunia, especially your prayers. The needs are ongoing and sometimes overwhelming.  If you are able to make a monetary donation, we thank you. Please know that 10% of your contribution will be held back for operational costs (website maintenance, wire transfers and other administrative expenses) and for emergency requests that align with our purpose and goals. We are all volunteers; we’re making every effort to apply as many dollars as possible to the ongoing needs in Bunia.

Our application for 501(c)(3) nonprofit status has been approved! We are in the process of transitioning our account for HFTC INC, but meanwhile, donations should still be made through Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Charleston, South Carolina. The donation link will direct you to that page.

Pray for our friends in the Congo. Prayer is the most important work. Bisoke says it is because of our prayers that they are alive today, that they can wake up each morning to a new day, and be thankful in the evening that they have survived the day.

Rescue for a village attacked by militias

If you feel led to donate to Bisoke’s work at the Peace Center, the orphan school BCHC, the HFTC once a month feeding program or education opportunities you may do so: 

Check to Holy Trinity Anglican Church
PO Box 30476
Charleston, SC 29417

Church Website giving page: Please denote which program you wish to support

To make a donation online click here.